Clothing Drive Success, Cookie Creativity
The Interact Club hosted the annual Clothing Drive for several weeks in February and March, using a new partner that accepted clothing and household goods, and gave a cash donation to the Electives Department in return.
The school collected a ton of materials – literally! As of March 15, some 2,028 pounds were collected, including 1,592 pounds of clothing and soft materials, 421 pounds of household goods and 15 pounds of books, according to FUNDrive, which partnered with Eastside and will provide the materials to Saver Stores.
The drive earned $327.32 for the Electives Department, said Art teacher and Interact Club adviser Linda Filo.

On March 25, the Library Crew coordinated a Character Cookie Event during lunch outside the cafeteria. Book fans decorated cookies inspired by their favorite book characters, to spread a spirit of creativity and fun .
“We thought this would be the perfect time to combine two things we love: books and cookies,” wrote Library Crew member, sophomore Angie Marquez in an email to the school.
Those who showed up used a wide variety of book characters as inspiration.