Photo by Rashel Naranjo

Amel Hollimon

Unlike a typical loud and outgoing grade leader, Amel Hollimon is humble and funny. While Amel isn’t one to brag, many of those around her admire her and appreciate her role in the community.

Transitioning from middle school to high school was difficult for Amel, but then Covid made things even harder. During her virtual sophomore year she let many assignments slip. Coming back to in-person classes as a junior, she had to adapt again, but having that year to adjust set her up for a successful and smooth senior year.

Despite the rocky start to high school, Amel is now able to piece together everything she has gathered over the years and help those around her. She tries her best to participate in various school communities.

Amel said she enjoys writing classes the most because of the academic challenge they pose. Further pursuing her interest in writing, she took the Creative Writing elective.

After living in the dorms for three years, this year she was invited to become a Residential Assistant in the hall of seven freshmen girls. She is also currently a Teacher’s Assistant for Chemistry teacher Heather Cook, and has been the girls basketball team manager since freshman year. She has also participated in Drama class since returning to campus after the pandemic.

“Amel is like the mom of the hallway,” said freshman Mary Kinyua, who lives on the hall. “We all look up to her as a role model and admire her caring and generosity.”

When Amel reflects on her journey, she realizes that her family plays a huge role in her life.

“Family is a big thing for me!” Amel said. “My siblings inspire me to keep going. Even when things get hard, you can still keep going, it’s not impossible.”

Amel will attend Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge in the fall.

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