Graduation Plans Are Set: Drive-Thru on June 18
Photo by Gaby Sainz-Medina
Screenshot of the senior class Zoom meeting on Apr. 22, showing the invitation for this year’s graduation ceremony on June 18.
Seniors were relieved but disappointed to learn that their graduation ceremony will be postponed until June 18 and will be held as a drive-in event similar to last year’s, according to the information shared at a virtual meeting of senior families with Principal Chris Bischof and Vice Principal Helen Kim on Apr. 22.
The event space has been reserved at the San Mateo Event Center and the plan is to follow the approach taken last year, which made it possible not to limit attendance because it was held in a large, outdoor space.
Helen explained the reasoning and thinking behind this decision. An in-person graduation ceremony would have to restrict attendance to only two or three people per graduate. In addition, guests and family members from out-of-state would not be allowed to attend. These restrictions pushed the decision in favor of a drive-in style graduation over an in-person event.
Graduation has always been an anticipated event for not only seniors, but all students and teachers alike. This year’s graduation had been up in the air, so seniors were anxious to hear what the decisions would be after this strange and unforeseeable pandemic.
The announcement shocked many seniors. First, the date: Graduation almost always took place right after the last day of classes, and this year’s will occur almost a month later. Second, many seniors had anticipated that graduation would resemble a traditional graduation ceremony, on the Eastside quad, with extra precautions.
“It will obviously not be the same as previous years, but we can still make the most out of it,” said senior Maria Brambila. “This graduation ceremony will allow us to unite and spend quality time. Thank you to all staff members who worked hard to ensure we have a graduation.”